Monday, April 16, 2012

Two new (commercial) beers

For the first time in a while I had a new beer which I really really liked on Friday night last, and then another on Saturday! It's not unusual for me to try new beer, in fact there's hardly a week goes by without me trying something, but it is rare for me to find something that makes a big impression.

The first was Stone and Wood "Jasper". It's no secret to my friends that I absolutely detest Stone and Wood "Pacific Ale", which is consistently voted as one of the top Australian beers. To me it tastes of concentrated cat piss, and I can't stomach it at all. The fuss about this beer genuinely mystifies me, and actually kind of worries me as I know I'm completely in the minority with my view.
Interestingly I've recently noticed that one of my favourite beers, Hargreaves Hill ESB, has a very similar taste/aroma profile. The only difference is perhaps a little less intensity of hop character, and a lot more bitterness. Perhaps I'm just a little more sensitive than normal to one of the flavour compounds or something.

 Anyhow, enough about the Pacific Ale, onto the Jasper. It pours a deep ruby red to brown, and my first thought upon sipping it was "Hobgoblin!". It has that subtly caramel/candy flavour you get from Wychwood Hobgoblin, and a nice balance with the bitter. This caught me by surprise as I assumed it would be another hop monster, but it's actually a beautifully balanced brown ale type beer. I haven't heard a whole lot about it, so I don't know what it's supposed to be. In fact, I'm not really sure what Hobgoblin is supposed to be either, an English brown ale I suppose. Whatever it is it's a damn fine beer, and one I will be drinking again.

The second beer I discovered this weekend was actually another brown - Mornington Brown Ale. I had tried their Pale ale before, and while pleasant it wasn't particularly memorable. The Brown is a fine beer. Again if I might be allowed to compare to a commercial beer, it's reminiscent of Samuel Smith's Tadcaster. There's a hint of banana on the nose, and it's balanced to the sweet side, though without becoming cloying. It's a rich, satisfying and complex beer, and after three (schooners, as the pub pretentious drinking establishment I was in only does massively overpriced schooners), I had my fill. I'll be back for more though!

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